1.The video of Mark Rober was interesting. The problem was he aimed to make a squirrel proof bird feeder but the idea of being squirrel proof was wrong. The squirrels were very smart than he thinks. He tried many steps but failed. The last step of eight-part ninja obstacle was interesting. Because it was quite unique and hard for the squirrels to reach the foods. After a lot of tries the squirrels were successful to reach the foods which was most interesting part. The squirrels avoided the maze with the help of their low velocity and smart feet balancing.
2. I would also produce the ideas through it would take a long for me to think like him. His idea was squirrel friendly obstacle which started with slippers mages and bridge. The bridge was looking visually easy but was not easy for the squirrels. The squirrel named “Rick” was able to cross the rope bridge at first and it was the smartest one I would say. And he tried as much as mechanism to make the bird feeder squirrel proof with the help of homewrecker with stands with a pressure sensor underneath which means if the squirrel stands more then 3 seconds it will fall into the ground. The idea of ninja rectangular pads was impressive because the pads were smooth and hard for the squirrels to pass throw. Those all scientifically thinking allow me to support his ideas.
3. I can relate the video with the engineering proposal assignment. Because the requirement of the assignment is to identify and solve a problem. And propose the solution to my audience. This video did the same thing with the bird feeder.